Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 3: The Earth's Natural Cycles

Good Day Scholars!

Last week we reflected on the Earth's Natural Cycles of Nutrients such as: Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Carbon, Water, and Sulfur. Now that we have reviewed these in class, I would like you to post Your Biggest (individually/family) Impact on each of these cycles. Have a great week!

Mr. D


  1. Phosphorus- Laying down of fertilizer in the yard causes runoff of the harmful chemicals.

    Nitrogen - My car exhuast fumes emit Nitrogen into the atmosphere.

    Carbon - Burning a pile of leaves and branches in the backyard causes carbon to enter the atmosphere.

    Water - making my driveway bigger (As a whole making roads elminates the lands ability to absorb water.)

    Sulfer - using refined gasoline for cars enters the atmosphere which returns as acid deposition.

    Kathryn Trumble
    3rd Period

  2. Kayla Ramsey
    4th Period

    Phosphorus Cycle- My family impacts this cycle by using fertilizer. Phosphates are included in everyday fertilizer and runoff of phosphorus can occur into nearby water sources and result in a heavy growth of algae.

    Nitrogen Cycle- Burning wood and fossil fuels can greatly impact the nitrogen cycle. Bonfires contributes to a large amount of nitric oxide in the atmosphere

    Carbon Cycle- Cutting down trees can affect the carbon cycle. Although my family doesn't cut down a ton of trees, what we do cut down affects the carbon cycle by a little percentage.

    Water Cycle- Taking long showers affects the water cycle. This can affect the quantity and quality of the water,

    Sulfur Cycle- When my family grills we burn coal which impacts the sulfur cycle. This produces sulfur dioxide where it is precipitated and then toxic to plants.

  3. The Water Cycle: Because my family washes dishes and laundry loads several times on a daily basis, we gallons of water each time we use our washer and dish washer. Everyone in my family is highly active so we drink obscene amounts of water to stay hydrated. Daily hygiene also contributes to my impact on the water system( showers, brushing teeth, washing hands, flushing toilet, etc).

    Carbon Cycle: Since I have to breathe to stay alive I would say that that’s a large way in which I affect this cycle. Now that I can drive myself to and from school as well as extracurricular activities ,I’m increasing my effect on the carbon cycle due to the gas my car uses.

    Nitrogen: Over the years, my father has buried some of our family pets in our backyard, though it’s gross, their carcasses decompose and add nitrogen to the cycle.

    Phosphorus: My parents are very active in the up keeping of our yard and the lawn work often requires my help. With the use of fertilizers on our flowers, vegetables and our grass, phosphorus is released into the cycle. By eating vegetables and fruits that may have been fertilized with phosphorus, I add even more of that nutrient into the cycle.

    Sulfur: Unfortunately my brother and I tend to leave on appliances that use electricity like our TVs and computers. The resources used to generate that electricity are nonrenewable and are used in large quantities therefore adding my effect to another cycle
    ~Elizabeth Neal (APES Period 3)

  4. my family's biggest impact is on the carbon cycle by releasing CO2 into the atmosphere through driving cars.

    Haley Bourque
    4th Period

  5. My families biggest impact on the phosphorus cycle would be the use of toothpaste and detergent. Large quantities of phosphate rock are mined to create commercial products. Burning fuel affects both the carbon and nitrogen cycle.
    When fossil fuel is burned, large amounts of carbon dioxide is added into the atmosphere. Burning fuel also adds nitric oxide into the atmosphere which combines with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide gas.
    We also use a lot of water throughout the day. The fresh water could have been withdrawn from streams, lakes, and underground sources. This can cause depletion or intrusion of ocean salt water into underground water supplies.
    Everyone uses electricity and most of it comes from burning sulfur-containing coal and oil. This produces about two-thirds of the human inputs of sulfur dioxide.

  6. I think both my biggest impact and my family's biggest impact is the carbon cycle because we all drive. (Well, minus franziska.) We carpool when we can but the option is not always there. Also, my dad often travels for business and his choices are fly or drive; he usually chooses driving, but either way, he is burning fossil fuel.

    -Kristen, 3rd period

  7. Phosphorus- My family uses harmful chemicals to kill insects such as ant spray and this can run off into lakes and ponds and turn contaminate the water and make it dirty.

    Nitrogen- My parents love their yard, and they always put fertilizer down and it sinks into the ground, goes up into the sky and precipitates gaseous losses.

    Carbon- We drive everywhere, never home and the car and gas goes into the atmosphere.

    Water- Just like the fertilizer and the ant spray, they can affect the water cycle the same way. I don't really think my family and I really affect the water cycle.

    Sulfur- In the Winter, we affect the sulfur cycle because we have a fire place that burn a lot of fuels and goes into the air.

    -Casey Mercer

  8. Phosphorous- My family has effected the phosphorous cycle by creating a wall of larger rocks around our ditch in the back yard. The phosphorous from these rocks run off into the ditch water which can hurt the environment.
    Nitrogen- My family has effected the nitrogen cycle by using fertilizers in our small garden.
    Carbon- I effect the carbon cycle when I have to drive to different places because our car burn gasoline in order for it to run.
    Water- My family has effected the water cycle when we've used our yard sprinkler to water our grass.
    Sulfur- Any time I use something involving electricity I'm affecting the sulfur cycle because burning fossil fuels harms the sulfur cycle and fossil fuels are burned in order to create electricity.

    Parker Hambright
    4th Period

  9. Kimberly Campos
    3rd Period

    My family impacts the phosphorus cycle by moving phosphorus from place to place, causing a run off into the water. We impact the nitrogen cycle the most by the burning of fossil fuels. We take so much water out of the water cycle by pumping water to drink or farming. Lastly we impact the sulfur cycle by creating acid rain. We do so by the creating sulfur dioxide from the burning of human resources.

  10. Welllllllll

    water cycle: of course I take super duper long showers, I know but Im not the only one so does the rest of my family so its not all my fault. Besides showers, we do alot of laundry, wash the dishes, the dogs, etc.

    Carbon cycle/nitrogen: I drive alot and it just so happens that I went back and forth to wilmington this past weekend and boone last weekend. plus my family has 4 cars soooo yeah. It releases alot of CO2 and then releases alot of NO.

    Phosphorus cycle: well my family attempts to garden every spring, too bad we fail miserably every year. And all of the fertilizing products contain alot of phosphorus in it.

    Sulfur cycle:well the electricity is always left on..we keep the tv on to keep our dogs company haha. So all of those coal plants are working hard to give my family electricity that we end up wasting.

    Taylor springs 4th

  11. Doug Per.3

    My family contributes to the problems with the cycles in many ways. Example would be the carbon cycle. We burn and utilize fossil fuels which combined with the millions, creates a problem.

  12. Phosphorous: My family uses an excess amount of phosphorous in fertilizing my lawn.
    Nitrogen: The fertilizing of my lawn also affects the nitrogen cycle by leaving excess nitrogen in the soil.
    Carbon: Release of greenhouse gasses from cars.
    Water: By using fertilizers often, my family creates runoff that can seep into the water table. This greatly affects the water cycle.
    Sulfur: My family's greenhouse gas emissions greatly affect the sulfur cycle.

  13. I think i impact the carbon cycle most of all, by all the carbon emitted when driving; my sister drives me to and from school everyday, parents drive me around on the weekend, and friendss pick me up sometimes.

    Mallory Mitchell
    4th period

  14. Water: we take very long showers
    Carbon:we drive a lot
    Nitrogen: we use fertilizer in the grass
    Sulfur: we produce pollution causing acid rain
    Phosphurus: we all have to excrete sometime

    Mallory Mitchell
    4h period

  15. By Alex Panagopoulos

    (i was at Mallory's Studying)

    Phosphorus: Driving in a car

    Carbon: Breathing

    Water: Super Long Showers

    Nitrogen and Sulfur: Going to school and back by bus

  16. my biggest family impact on the phosphorus cycle would be our use of fertilizers in our large backyard, fossil fuels for the nitrogen cycle, using oil for the carbon cycle, overusing household water in laundry, showers, ect. for the water cycle, and finally fossil fuels as well for the sulfur cycle.

  17. my family impact on the phosphorus cycle is mainly when spring and summer comes around and we get out and start planting gords and corn and peppers and everything else we use fertilizer to help our crops. On the nitrogen cyle our constant driving all the time and the number of cars we use, we dont have really a universal car. The Carbon cycle also with the driving. Water Cyle= our shower and dish washer and clothes washer use. Sulfur cyle again with the fossil fuels of cars and emmissions burnt from our burn piles.

  18. My family impacts the carbon cycle the most. Everyone drives and is on different schedule's so carpooling is out of the question. We also use our fireplace a lot in the winter burning wood polluting the air.

    Tenay Williams
    3rd period

  19. Phosphorus: My family uses phosphorus most through daily products such as toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner type items.
    Carbon : We use carbon most through driving our 3 vehicles.
    Nitrogen and Sulfur: We use this through various types of fossil fuels such as in vehicles and electronics.
    Water: By overusing water in laundry, showers, dishes, our pool, etc...

    Eleni Grosskopf
    3rd period
    (I was doing homework at her house)

  20. Carly Legg
    3rd period

    My family's impact on Earth's natural cycles:

    -Nitrogen Cycle: My family doesn't really contribute to the Nitrogen Cycle very much. We don't have any sort of gardens or farms or anything that need fertilizers or pesticides or anything like that that could run off into the water ways causing an algal bloom.

    -Phosphorous Cycle: Vehicles. My parents have 2 cars and my sister also has a car. The exhaust from my families' vehicles largly contributes to the phosphorous cycle.

    -Carbon Cycle: in my family none of us are vegetarians or vegans or anything like that and we all eat well. By consuming lots of meats and other organisms that consume producers, we are obtaining carbohydrates which we break down during cellular respiration and some of the carbon we release back into the atmophere as carbon dioxide.

    -Water Cycle: We use hot water to wash the dishes; we wash our clothes in warm water; there are 6 of us so showers are ALOT of water; we also have lots of pets that use water to drink, bathe, and play in.

    -Sulfur Cycle: the heat or air conditioning is constantly on throughout the day and year-long in my house which uses a generator and releases harmful gases into the atmosphere.

  21. Water-long showers
    Carbon- cutting down trees in back yard
    Sulfur- leaving electronics on

  22. The Water Cycle: Using too much water.

    Carbon Cycle: Burning wood

    Phosphorus Cycle: Burning of fossil fuels

    Nitrogen Cycle: the use of fertalizer.

    Matt monroe
    4th period

  23. My families biggest impact is either on the water cycle or the carbon cycle. We wash clothes and dishes several times during the week, and shower a lot too, which is good, hygiene is good. We drive a lot too, releasing fossil fuels into the air, we do not have hybrids.

  24. by buying fruits and vegetables you support farming which uses vast amounts of fertilizer to produce crops. These fertilizers are rich in nitrogen and are one way we contribute.

    The water cycle is the cycle that i have the most direct impact on. By showering, flushing toilets, doing laundry dishes etc.

    I contribute to the phosphorus and carbon cycle with the amount of gases released by my truck

    John Bynum
    3rd period

  25. water... we drink a lot of water in my house, as do our 4 dogs 3 cats and 2 horses. we also wast a lot of water with our long showers and pluming,

    carbon/phosphorus... my mom drives a big v8 hemi that is super bad on gas... enough said

    sulfur... grilling out with my aunt and uncle

    nitrogen... i dont think we have a big impact on this one

    robert boone
    3rd period

  26. Tia Renzulli

    Phosphorus- Insect pesticides for our garden because it can cause runoff thus causing water contamination of harmful substances

    Nitrogen/Carbon- From driving my car all the time back and forth to southwest 4 times a day thus releasing nitrogen and carbon gases into the atmosphere

    Water- I take very long showers until the hot water runs out every night, which is a huge water consumption

    Sulfur- I leave the television on, my phone charger in the outlet (at all times), the computer on, etc. thus consuming an abundance of electricity

  27. Nitrogen~ My car exhuast fumes emit Nitrogen into the atmosphere.

    Sulfur Cycle~ the heat or air conditioning is constantly on throughout the day and year-long in my house and it releases harmful gases into the atmosphere.

  28. Phosphorous Cycle~ I do not see where I or my family make a big inpact on this cycle

    Carbon Cycle~ We eat a lot of meat and shellfish(Well between me and my dad)

    Water Cycle~ My sister takes long showers

  29. The Water Cycle: Leaving on water while brushing teeth

    Carbon Cycle: Burning wood, consuming large amounts of meat

    Phosphorus Cycle: Driving a lot

    Nitrogen Cycle: using fertalizer

    James Charles 4th

  30. savannah cannon 3rd period

    The Water Cycle: My family as a whole seems to use a lot of water, through washing clothes

    Carbon Cycle: Burning old wood furniture and leaves.

    Phosphorus Cycle: The gasoline we use in our cars.

    Sulfur: Electricty

  31. Katelyn Kane 3rd prd

    Carbon- right now there are 4 cars parked at my house, and they are driven regularly, meaning we are doing a bit of damage on the carbon cycle

    nitrogen- we do use fertilizer in our garden, but we do not have as big of an impact on this as we do on the other cycles.

    Water- Personally I spend way to long in the shower ( but that is due to the fact that it is crazy to expect me to function at 6 in the morning). Also I am a bit of a germ-a-fob when it comes to washing dishes. I will scrub them until i am 200% sure they are clean, which wastes a lot of water.

    Sulfur- I use a lot of electricity keeping my room ice cold, because i am naturally hot. As well as leaving majority of my electronics plugged in 24/7

  32. Phosphorus- My family impacts the nitrogen cycle by planting fertilizer in our yard to make the appearance better on the eyes but we are actually hurting the earth.

    Water- My family impacts the water cycle by taking long and numerous showers daily.

    Sulfur- My family tends to girl out a lot and when we do we burn coal.

    Carbon- My family has a bad habit of driving a lot so we add a lot of pollution from our cars.

    Nitrogen- My family has a fire place in our house and we burn wood and papers in it and emits gas into the air.

    jodi barber
    4th period

  33. Water Cycle: we wash a lot of dishes, drink water, and go to the bathroom, which also uses water

    Phosphorus Cycle: "going to the bathroom"

    Carbon: breathing and driving our cars

    Sulfur: my AC is constantly on

    Nitrogen: we have a fireplace that actually runs on a type of gas/fuel


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