Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 4: The Earth's Natural Cycles

Good Day Scholars!

This week we will be reflecting on the Earth's Natural Cycles of Nutrients such as: Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Carbon, Water, and Sulfur. Now that we have reviewed these in class, I would like you to post Your Biggest (individually/family) Impact on each of these cycles. Have a great week!

Mr. D


  1. Antonia Blandin
    Fourth Period

    My biggest impact on both the nitrogen and phosphorus cycle would have to be my gardening since I use nitrogen and phosphorus rich fertilizer which probably adds to the phosphorus and nitrogen in the soil which then ends up in my plants and then into the catepillars that eat my plants. As for the biggest impact on the carbon and sulfur cycle, that would have to be my car which releases carbon dioxide sulfate into the atmosphere. My biggest impact on the water cycle would have to be when I water my plants because then the water stays in the soil, then is absorbed by the plants and lastly let back into the atmosphere.

  2. Tyler G. Taylor
    Third Period APES.

    Water Cycle: Our biggest impact my family has on the water cycle is the amount of fresh water we use daily. In my personal opinion, we tend to use more then we really need, which would impair the quantity of freshwater that is replenished.

    Sulfur Cycle, Carbon Cycle, and the Nitrogen Cycle: I think my family's biggest impact on the sulfur cycle is our constant use of electricity and power. This would require more fossil fuels to be burned. My family in the north are generations of coal miners. So we are indirectly affecting the cycles by mining the fossil fuels to be burned, which produces carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen.

    Phosphorus Cycle: During the year, I grow and maintain mostly peppers and tomatos for comsumption by my family. And during this time, I use fertilizers (organic, inorganic, synthetic,) which would contribute to the phosphorus cycle.

  3. I had to do some landscaping business for a woman down the street, I made bank might I add. But part of the job was putting down fertilizer. Which causes run-off and whatnot.


  4. Water – We affect this cycle when we use the toilet, showers, or the sink. Everything we flush down there will be thrust into the water cycle and add to acid rain.

    Carbon - We affect this cycle by when we breathe out CO2 it goes into the cycle and whenever we drive our cars emit carbon.

    Sulfur, Nitrogen, Phosphorus– We affect these three cycles all in the same way. When we eat plants or animals we absorb some of the nutrients and then we go to the bathroom and they will eventually be cycled back into the soil.

    Bryan Pd.4

  5. Jessica Carter
    Period 4

    Phosphrous- This cycle is mainly affected by the use of fertilizers. I live on a farm where we use fertilizers to get our grass to grow. Thus, we are affecting the cycle.

    Nitrogen- The Nitrogen cycle is affected because of my family.. we have cows which affect the cycle.

    Carbon- Driving my car is most likely affecting the carbon cycle

    Water- Once again my family using fertilizers can affect the water cycle. Or.. using my car can affect the carbon cycle which in turn can affect the water cycle as temperature rises..

    Sulfur- Using fertilizer can affect the sulfur cycle. However, my family's use of fossil fuels can affect the cycle also (this is because the initial finding of fossil fuels release sulfur)

  6. Kaitlyn Hannah

    Water Cycle: In my home we have 5 people and all of us take showers daily. I believe I personally use to much of the water supply. Way to much than i really need.

    Carbon Cycle: My brother and i play sports and we also live in Maysville. So traveling from practices and games and such, our vehicles emit alot of carbon which is bad for the enivronment.

  7. Carbon- Definately me driving to school and work often puts more carbon into the atmosphere than before i drove alot. n i saw before mine someone posted about breathing, which is something we all could put down since we all breathe.

    Nitrogen- My family has buried pets in the forest in our backyard, and those dead carcasses decompose and add to the nitrogen cycle.

    Phosphorous- My grandma gardens alotttt, and i know that fertilizers add to the phosphorous cycle because phodphotous helps plants grow.

    Sulfur- Sulfur is similar to phosphorous in respect that sulfur comes from burning substances like coal, natural gas, and other fossil fuels, and sulfur comes from petroleum burning as well, which would be similar to driving and the carbon cycle.

    Water- Wellll i personally take super long showers, which i know wastes water. and my family does alot of laundry which uses water, although most washers/dryers are low flow or wutever. also we water our lawn ALOT b/c we put new grass down recently and it requires lots of watering.

    Megan Young;)
    period 4

  8. my family is very picky about the color of our grass. my dad is constantly running the sprinkler system to make our lawn greener. he forgets about it alot and goes to bed without turning it off.

  9. Crystal Johnson - 3rd period

    Carbon – My family’s biggest affect on the carbon cycle would definitely how much we drive our car. For instance my brother comes home from Greenville every other weekend and I’m driving to Durham next week which will release a lot of carbon.

    Nitrogen – My family’s biggest impact is how some of my family farms so when they take the plants out of the soil they are removing the nitrogen from the soil.

    Phosphorus – My family uses fertilizers in order to make our plants grow and that affects the phosphorus cycle.

    Sulfur – Our use of coal affects the sulfur cycle because we burn it to grill and that releases SO2.

    Water – My family affects the water cycle because we don’t have a dishwasher so we have to wash everything by hand which uses up a lot of water. Also my brother takes long showers which also affects the water cycle.

  10. Phosphorus: Driving in a car, eating plants that are fertilized with phosphorus or animals that have eaten these plants.

    Carbon: Using products that are produced with emissions of CO2 (-> in a factory), breathing, driving in a car.

    Water: My daily use of water for drinking, cooking, showering, the washing machine and the dishwasher

    Nitrogen, Sulfur: Going to school and back by car, using non-renewable electric energy.

    Franziska, 3rd period

  11. water cycle: my family uses way more water each day then we actually need. so, we waste a bunch of water.

    nitrogen and phosphorus cycle: my family gardens and the fertizeler we use affects many things.

    sulfur cycle: my car it releases carbon dioxide sulfate into the atmosphere.

  12. My biggest impact would have to be when using the Water Cycle. I live in a house where it's only me and my mom now. But being girls, we tend to take showers that are longer than they should be.

    Also with Carbon, my mom does alot of driving, whether it's to her work or to my practices/games, or even to see my brother in Greenville on occasion. So that has to do with the Carbon Cycle.

    Ashley Stewart
    Fourth Period

  13. Megan Ray
    4th Prd

    Biggest impact of nitrogen and phosphorous cycle would be...helping my dad each year spread nitrogen and phosphorous enriched fertilizer for his garden of peppers, tomatoes, peas, cucumbers, squash, and sunflowers. The water cycle would be watering these crops each day in the morning. Finally my biggest impact of carbon dioxide and sulfur would be driving my car to school and work each day releasing those gases into the atmosphere

  14. carbon- me driving way to and from everywhere
    phosphorus- we have lots of flowers around the house-so gardening
    sulfur- GRILLIN--burns coal
    water- we all shower everyday, and drink lots of water!


  15. Lauren Henry:)
    4th period!

    Carbon- I recently just got my license so I have been rolling around town to and from sporting events,church,school...etc. This puts a good amount of carbon into the atmosphere.

    Water- My family uses a lot of water. From doing several loads of laundry a week and taking a lot of showers we waste a lot of water. I know I waste of water because I take really long showers. I have been working on shortening them though!

    Nitrogen/Phosphorous- My mom and I like to plant flowers and such around the yard at home. Planting flowers by using potting soil add nitrogen and phosphorous that already exists in the ground!

    Sulfur- My pop is real serious about his lawn. Green/weedless lawn=happy dad! Every year my dad spreads fertilizer over the lawn. This makes the grass healthier and it also affects the sulfur cycle.

  16. Michael Lawson
    4th Period APES

    Carbon Cycle: My family does alot of driving around town. Most of the driving is taking me to work, and my dad drives a taxi part-time. Personally, I enjoy having bonfires, so the CO2 burned during these bonfires is a definite contributor.

    Water Cycle: My family uses alot of water washing dishes and doing laundry. Personally, I leave the water running too long when I brush my teeth or shave.

    Nitrogen & Phosphorus Cycle: My mom attempts to grow plants and vegetables in our backyard (I say attempt because they often die from not being watered enough or from animals messing with them) The fertilizer we use contributes to the nitrogen cycle and phosphorus cycle.

    Sulfur Cycle: My family members have tendency to leave things on that run on electricity. This includes leaving lights or TV on.

  17. My biggest impact would probably be on the carbon cycle. I've planted a few seed a while back which have grown. Those plants take in the CO2 in the air. Over time the amount of CO2 taken in will grow as the plants grow. I've also recently planted a little tree which will definitely have an impact on the CO2 cycle once it gets bigger.
    Catalina Morris Period 3

  18. Carbon: I drive back and forth to school and work
    Water: I take long showers
    Sulfur: I tend to fall asleep with the tv and lights on.
    nitrogen/Phosphorus: We try to use that miracle grow on our lawns sometimes

  19. Exavier 3rd period

    Carbon - a lot of transportation use

    Water - run a lot more than i really should, like while brushing my teeth and showering

    Nitrogen/Phosphorous - my grandmother has several gardens so the soil contributes to that

    Sulfur - there is a never a time something with a electricity isn't running in my house even when no one is home

  20. Water Cycle- My family uses a lot of water throughout the week by showers, laundry, and using the dishwasher.

    Carbon Cycle- My family has to go a lot of places to go like school, work, and practice/games so we drive a lot.

    Nitrogen/Sulfur/Phosphorus Cycle: We use fertilizer for our plants and flowers around the house. Also we use a lot of electricity.

    Rachael Silence
    4th period

  21. In my family we use a lot of under ground water for drinking use, take a lot of showers, and water plants and our lawn. We use water probably more than usually families because of the size of our yard. We fertilze our plants and lawn to keep everything healthy. With all of that we are always using electricity wether it be lights on in the house, the tv, or a computer.

    The excessive watering, showering, and drinking affects the water cycle by taking away from it and reducing some of the water.
    The fertilizer runoff into near by swamps affects nitrogen and phosphorous cycles.
    The excessive electricity use affects the sulfer cycle because electricity is made around here by burning wood and or coal. The smoke from this gets into the air and in the sulfer cycle.

  22. Water- my family takes incredibley long showers, which causes us to consume way more than we need, wasting our freshwater resources.

    Carbon/Nitrogen- I refuse to ride the bus to school, so i make my dad drive me which uses a lot of unneccasary gas which realeases CO2. Also because of that, our car aaffects the nitrogen cycle by realeaseing NO which can cause the creation of ozone.

    Phosphorous- I have rose bushes in front of my house that i fertilize which contibutes to runoof, and also removes phosphorous from other areas when it is created.

    Sulfur- my family uses a large amount of electricity which is generated by coal fire plants that realease sulfur and cause acid rain.

  23. Russel Abad

    Water Cycle – My family washes all dishes by hand even though we have a washing machine which may be more water efficient.
    Carbon Cycle-Both my parents and I drive. I drive to and from school and to pick up and carry around my friends which is creating fossil fuel emissions.
    Phosphorus Cycle-My parents do a lot of gardening and sometimes they use chemical products which puts phosphorus into the soil.
    Nitrogen-My laptop, refrigerator, and air conditioning all consume a lot of electricity and contributes to the welfare of the nitrogen cycle.
    Sulfur Cycle-Once again chemicals in gardening products as well as electricity consumption.

  24. Water Cycle: my biggest impact on the water cycle is the fact that I overuse all the freshwater available to me. I take two showers a day, i drink spring water only, all in all i overuse water.

    Nitrogen Cycle:i use fertilizers and miracle grow on my garden except in the winter, plus my cars use gas which contain fossil fuels which contribute to more nitrogen output

    Phosphorus Cycle:
    i contribute to human interference on this by spraying down my garden, cutting my grass, and weeding which in turn releases phosphorus (held by the plants) via runoff

    sulfur cycle:my impact on this is via my car, it burns gasoline which releases sulfur into the air.

    carbon cycle: i impact this in many ways. i get rides almost everywhere i go, i use electricity day in and day out, i eat processed foods, and i throw lots of bonfire parties which all directly or indirectly put carbon into the atmoshphere

  25. the comment by the user Aj Reed is by anthony reed from fourth period

  26. water-major everyday use; we have a high water bill to prove it

    carbon-grilling often

    nitrogen/sulfur-gas; 3 cars, 2 lawn mowers, 18 wheeler from my dad's job

    Darielle Pickett

    phosphorus-my dad keeps the front yard spiffy; gardening, weed eating, i.e.

  27. Water: My family impacts the water cycle most through our daily routines of bathing, washing clothes, washing dishes, and using the bathroom

    Carbon: We impact the carbon cycle most by driving our cars. There are four people in my family and four cars that are driven daily

    Nitrogen: I impact the nitrogen cycle most by owning a horse that produces manure which leads to the distribution of nitrates through runoff into soil or water.

    Phosphorous: My family effects this cycle most by doing lawn work. (cutting the grass, fertilizing the grass and watering the grass)

    Sulfur: My family effects this cycle most by driving our cars which causes sulfur to be released by the burning of gasoline

  28. Tyler Anastasia

    Water Cycle– I impact the water cycle everyday by taking showers, washing my hands, and even drinking water. Mostly i effect it through showers due to the amount that is used.

    Carbon Cycle- I impact the carbon cycle everyday through driving to school and work. Approximately I drive 30 miles a day.

    Phosphorus Cycle- I'm not sure too much how I impact this on a daily basis, although every weekend I mow my grass.

    Nitrogen- I impact the nitrogen cycle through the electricity that I use everyday. I constantly use electricity throughout the entire day.

    Sulfur- I impact this through the gasoline used in my lawn mower as well as my car.

  29. My family's biggest impact on the nitrogen and phosphorous cycles would be my dad's garden and the fertilizer he uses. For the carbon cycle, we eat a lot of processed foods, and we take cars whereever we go, and my dad sometimes grills on the grill outside. This also impacts the sulfer cycle. And, last but not least, we affect the water cycle by how much water we use, and overuse.
    JoAnn H.
    3rd Period

  30. Carbon- between my sister being on a travel soccer team and both me and my sister being on a travel volleyball team my family is always on the go. So taking all these trips on top of all the driving we do regularly we emit a lot of carbon in the air.
    Nitrogen/Phosphorous- My mom is always trying to improve the look of our house by gardening so doing that all the time so the fertilizer she uses puts them back into the ground.
    water- between the four in our family and the five when my brother comes home we are doing laundry a at least 5 loads a week and everyone takes at least one shower a day and we run the dishwasher daily so between all of that there is a lot of water use in the school
    Sulfur- Electricity is always being used. The fans are always running in the house and our computers seem to be always on during the day and don't get turned off till late at night.

    Katie McLain

  31. water cycle- in my house we all take at least one maybe two showers a day and these are probably to so long so we definitely overuse water. we also do alot of laundry in my house which runs water all the time

    carbon cycle- we use five different cars in my family and we are always going different places like work, school, and sporting events.

    sulfur cycle- we like to grill which uses coal

    phosphorus cycle- my grandmother has a very large garden and she uses many fertilizers

    nitrogen cycle- we have alot of things like computers, and lights, and tvs that dont always get turned off when they need so they are overused

  32. Water Cycle: We use a ton of water in my household. Due to my family drinking more water than neccessary and taking to long of showers.

    Carbon: Though we only use the car to go to school, work and home,thats alot of CO2 emmissions.

    Phosphorus: Im not sure how much we affect this cycle. We mow our lawn every other week and well we are never home to do lawn work.

    Nitrogen and sulfur: Driving everywhere, using up a ton of gas.

    taylor Fowler
    3rd period

  33. Dylan Evans
    4th Pd.

    Carbon: I drive everywhere producing carbon

    Nitrogen/Phosphorous: I use soil and fertilizer for my dads garden

    Sulfur: I leave everything on, which burns coal, burning sulfur

    Water: I take 2-3 showers a day, plus the rest of my family, we wash a lot of cloths and dishes

  34. Phosphorus and Nitrogen-We impact this cycle by planting,watering, and fertilizing the grass and flowers.
    Carbon-Impact the cycle by driving up and down the road.
    Sulfur-We impact this cycle by having cookouts and cooking food on the grill.
    Trey Jones 4th

  35. Nitrogen/Phosphorous : I had a bunny named Fluffy when I was in the fourth grade. She died and she was buried in my backyard. Her memory lives on as her carcass contributes to the nitrogen/phosphorous cycle.

    Water: I shower daily, brush my teeth, flush the toilet and all the other necessary hygienic routines. And I’m a lifeguard and we use a lot of bleach water to scrub everything and anything, so that is not only impacting the water cycle but also the nitrogen cycle.

    Carbon: I am a proud driver of a cute little neon. However, Dodge vehicles are the worst gas guzzlers in the world IMO. That’s one way I impact my most favorite cycle.

    Sulfur: Electricity is my favorite discovery :) and I make the most of it.

  36. Water: I am in a family of six, all of which regularly take showers, do dishes, laundry, etc. Both my, and my sister's showers tend to be at least 20 minutes long and i often have the water run while i brush my teeth. We also have two dogs, a fish, a lizard, and 5 horses that all need water as well so we use an extreme amount of water being that we're such a large family and have so many animals.

    Carbon: Both of my parents work, and the four of their kids go to school. The transportation between their going to work and me driving to school as well as my little brother and sister getting dropped off release alot of emissions. We also go to belgrade daily (at least 20 minute comute) to feed our horses which just adds on to the use of the car. Me and all of my siblings are involved in sports so the daily practices and weekend games add up to another reason for using the car 7 days a week.

    Sulfur: My family grills at least once a month which contributes. Also, we tend to always use's there for a reason, i mean hello look at this assignment. (:

    Nitrogen/Phosphorous: During the past six years, my family has had four or five bunnies....all of which have died and been buried. The decomposing of these bodies contributes, as well as the corpse of the horse we used to have that died because it got mauled by a bear and the bear that probably died because it killed my horse. Also, the fact that everyone uses the bathroom which can lead into run-off and continue the cycle. However, i have noticed that some members of my family use the bathroom alot more frequently than others.

    -Gillian Garcia

  37. cameron gonzalez
    period 4

    My biggest impact would be on the water cycle. My faimly uses a lot of water taking showers every day. But, we have a small water heater so we take shorter showers allowing for more hot water for everyone's shower. This leave more water to cycle through the environment and less through our home.

  38. Ian Russick, p3

    Water:I impact the water cycle by taking showers, using the bathroom. but i mainly effect it through showers and sink usage.

    Nitrogen: when i was 3 my german shepard thunder died and was burried in my back yard contributing to a prosperus garden

    Carbon: i drive a small block v8 vehicle not by choice but it gets me to and from school plus any other of my desires.

    Sulfur: sometimes i leave all lights on in my house tvs on and forget to turn them off

  39. Nitrogen/Phosphorous: My mom loves to garden and grow flowers. Through the many processes included in gardening, such as fertilizing, we affect the Nitrogen and Phosphorous levels.

    Water:Through my daily hygiene routine, and other daily processes such as washing clothes, dishes, and my car, I affect the water cycle.

    Carbon: I drive a Corvette Stingray, because the car is from the 70's, its carbon emissions are greater than more modern cars, so I release my carbon into the air from my car, than in any other way.

    Sulfur: I love my car. I love to drive my car. It burns a LOT of gas.

    Tom Crenshaw

  40. Biz Slone
    3rd Period

    carbon- i would have to say most of my impact is driving because my parents let me practice a lot to get experience

    nitrogen- um every weekend we either plant new plants or pull out the old ones cuz it seems no one in our family has a green thumb

    sulfer- our electricity use like some one else said. lights and tv get left on all around our house all the time

    water- our biggest impact is when we spray pesticides because we live on a steep hill and whatever we spray run right off every time it rains so we go through this cycle alot

  41. Water- we all effect the water cycle everyday, everytime we flush a toliet, turn on a sink, or wash our smelly butts.

    Sulfur- Me and all my family drive too often, or atleast when we do we do not do it efficiently, we will all drive and meet in the same place is a big waste of gas.

    Ty Baker
    4th Period

  42. the cycles that my family would have the biggest impact on would have to be the sulfer and water cycles. my family owns a trucking business and theres always work to be done and during that time we are using electricity for tools and lights and things of that for the water cycle everyone in my family usualy takes at least two showers a day and then my parents own a pool and that takes a lot of water to kep it clean.

  43. Water Cycle-my family tends to take longer showers and keeps water on longer than they should.
    Carbon-we have lots of sports and activities that our family needs to go to, so we have to drive around alot
    Sulfur-my parents are always shutting off lights behind me and my brothers
    Nitrogen/Phosphorous-my step mom grows tomatoes and plants alot of flowers. We also have a huge garden in front of our house and a pretty willow tree =)

    -Laura Edgell
    3rd period

  44. even though I remember doing this one.. :)

    Water cycle- All of my family members take long showers and drink a lot of water
    Carbon Cycle-My dad is a racecar driver and is always traveling all over the US
    Sulfur- I am too scared to sleep in the dark so I leave some kind of light on all night
    Nitrogen-my mom loves planting flowers but they never last long and she has to replant..

    Allison H
    3rd pd


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