Monday, December 13, 2010

Week 15: MSW..... Man i SWear there is alot of crap in here!

Hey Scholars,

This week's topic is Solid and Hazardous Waste. We talked briefly about Sustainable Dave and his quest to keep his trash for a year. This week's online assignment is to post a relative comment on sustainable dave's blog:

Please copy and paste your comment back on our blog (see if dave will post on our blog!!!)


Mr. D


  1. Megan Ray
    4th prd

    Hey Dave,

    I wanted to know what as your next step in reducing and/or preventing solid or hazardous waste locally if not state or nationally.

    -Megan Ray

    PS: Did you know on avg there are 49 million diapers thrown away per day and because of what they are made out of, they'll still be in the landfills 300 yrs from the day they arrived!

  2. What is said was
    I really like this comic because its so true. The government tries to control and regulate all the energy sources so they can over power society and control us. But then the one source they cant control they just try to tell us its useless so we don't break out of their grasp

    Bryan Mayberry

  3. The question I posted on one of his old blog posts was: What sort of things could be put in our bottled water that are harmful since it is not regulated?

  4. I would just like to thank you for doing such a good job on informing people about the severe impacts of trash on our environment and also, for acting upon it yourself. Although people know some of the consenquences of ignoring environmental issues, only few actually take actions in attempt to lessen or prevent the negative effects. I truly admire your dedication and hope that more people would find this an eye opener and take the extra step that you took in order to save the lives of the future generations.


  5. Biz
    third period

    so i forgot to copy and paste my comment but if he approves it i will. but basically it was along the lines of how it is so sad that the gas companies do ths to people that arent known and have a very small or no voice.

  6. I wrote:
    I find it funny how people's argument for drinking bottled water is kinda a oxymoron since common sense should tell you that tap water is more available and cheap. I think some people actually get "addicted" to bottled water. I know some people who won't drink the tap water ever! I would understand if it were dirty though.
    Catalina Morris 3rd period

  7. Crystal Johnson

    What I said was that his story of the ripples of hope was very inspiring and that it showed people that the actions of one person does make a difference and what you can change the world.

  8. I posted this comment on the blog with the picture of the house of plastic bottles:

    In a way this is ironic. These people are showing what they can do with plastic bottles. Yes, they are reusing the bottles which is much better than throwing them away but the bottles just further emphasis the problem that is occuring in the world. In a way the under lying idea is that the whole world will become trash if we can not put a stop to the problem now. I guess it all depends on the viewer though whether they feel this house is positive or not.

  9. hey dave,
    That's really cool! my little brother watches handy manny and he loves it. I think infusing green thoughts into the minds of younger children is the perfect way to start a green revolution!

  10. Kaitlyn Hannah 4th

    I said...
    Hi Dave,
    I wanted to know how you get people more interseted in recycling and reusing, especially the older folks who don't seem to into it.

  11. Hey mr. Dillman,
    Hope your having a good break so far!!! Anyways i wanted to let you know that i really wasnt satisfied with my last post onto dave's website. So i went back on to check out what else i can post a comment on and i found this video:

    I thought it was really creative so i commented on it. Unfortunately i forgot to copy it but for record i did post another comment.

  12. My name is Katie McLain thank you for not only making me aware but others aware of how harmful we are to our enviornment. This video should be shown to people all over to help make them more aware of the effects fossil fuels have on our enviornment. I believe so many people are blind to this because it is not happening here in America but it is getting shipped off to some other country for them to deal with our mess. This not fair to them. We need to make more of an attempt to find more eco friendly fuels. That will the the first stepn in recovering the horrible mess we are in.

  13. Hey Dave!
    Im in an enviromental science class right now and we just covered how harmful plastic bags are to the enviroment. This video was such a great way of teaching people those harmful effects and will really encourage people to use reuseable bags! It was such a great idea!

  14. Antonia Blandin
    Fourth Period

    This is what I posted on Dave's blog:

    Hey dave,

    Just heard about your blog and your mission. I think that it's pretty awesome that your trying to save trash for a year, but I have to ask what are you going to do with all that trash after the year is up?


  15. I'm in an enviromental science class and this comic is so true! I can't believe the lack of funding to alternative resources just because the current ones are so profitable. It's political preassure that will fix the worlds problem and people like you to bring attention to it. Keep up the good work!

    If your interested, our class has a blog at

    we'd love if you could post something for us!

  16. This is a great comic because it shows the reader how every power source is owned by the government or a country. The only source of energy that is not owned by the government is solar energy which is looked down upon by many people.

    4th period

  17. Hey All,
    Thanks for posting up and checking out the blog. Keep on thinking!

  18. Hey Dave,

    I'm a junior at White Oak High School and after we finished talking about solid waste, I was interested in how any one person could make a difference. I see that you have because you have so many people looking up to you and trying to make themselves as eco-friendly as you are. I'm glad you could teach kids how to do the same and I want to thank you for being a great role model to everyone.

  19. I posted a comment on his blog called "Castle Made Out of Plastic Bottles". This is what I said:
    This is absolutely amazing. It really shows what people are able to do with plastic bottles and defines the meaning of "recycling". I don't think it would be the best material for the house though because it wouldn't withstand too much.

    Ashley Stewart
    4th Period

  20. I said

    Hey Dave,
    I really like the comic. It's true. The goverment owns a lot of our energy sources because they want to get money out of it.

    JoAnn 3rd Period

  21. I said: I have a question. You kept all of your trash for a year. What inspired you to do this? Where did you get the idea?

    JoAnn 3rd Period

  22. I listened to your lecture this summer at NC Governor's School East where your mentioned installing geothermal heating to your home. What eco-friendly additions have you made to your household since then and what do you plan to do on the future?

  23. I said: How did you know how to organize all the wastes?

  24. I said: You said you went to a local farmers' market and fish monger for your meat and vegis and it was cheaper than from the supermarket. Where is this farmers' market because whenever I go to my local one everything is more expensive than te stuff at the supermarket.

  25. Hi Dave.
    I'm Hallie Altman and I am in the AP Earth and Environmental class at White Oak High School. I like this comic a lot because it is true that our government puts little effort/funding into alternate energy sources. It angers me that they don't think it is important, because it is obvious that if we put more effort into alternate sources we would use less nonrenewable resources.

    Also, my teacher Mr. Dillman made us not throw away our trash for a week. The amount we collected was insane, and it really opened my eyes to the issue. I don't know how you did this for a year! Respect. It is very cool how passionate you are about making peoplpe aware of this issue.

    Hallie Altman

  26. And I'm double blogging, so I also commented the post of his about him playing the voice on the Disney cartoon.

    I love this! I think it is very cool that Disney is taking it on to inform young kids about being environmentally friendly in a way that they will understand. Cool that you inspired this! It is important that they learn young.


  27. this is the comment i have posten on dave's blog
    samantha south
    4th period

    hey dave,
    my enviornmental science class learned alot about plastic bags and their harmful effect on the enviornment this semester and i think that this video was a great idea for providing awareness to the problems plastic bags cause. I would also like to say that your mission with the 365 days of trash was extremely commendable and I'm very glad that you did something like this to bring awareness to the issue at hand.

  28. mr.dillman, i also double blogged but i forgot to copy what i said before i sent it so i dont have it. but this i commented on the blog of his cartoon about energy and its sources from Thursday, November 4 and if it gets put up soon and i remember i will post in on here too.
    -samantha south

  29. Yo Mister D!
    WAD UP!

    Seriously, Mister Dillman I made a mistake!
    I submitted questions on Dave's blog but didn't copy and paste them to this first and I can't see them until he approves them but I'm sure if you go on his blog you'll see them. (:

    Oh, and I posted four comments because i had to make up some.

    -Gillian Garcia

  30. I said:

    What if you are very forgetful and continually lose the metal bottles wouldn't be cheaper than to use plastic bottles that way if you lose it it is only like a dollar being wasted and if you don't lose than you can just reuse that bottle. no disrespect to you though.

    Dennis Miller
    4th period

  31. Commented on the plastic bottle house:
    I never would have thought that someone would have taken plastic bottles to make a little house. That was an amazing idea. I wonder how long it took to build it?
    Trey Jones

  32. Commented on the plastic bottle house:
    I never would have thought that someone would have taken plastic bottles to make a little house. That was an amazing idea. I wonder how long it took to build it?
    Trey Jones

  33. Cameron G

    Neat to think about. But, it almost seems like an advertisement for PET plastic bottles. I wonder if the Pet water bottle company knows about this.

  34. I like this comic. Kind of shows that the one thing big business has not been able to overuse and destroy is the sun. lets hope they never figure it out either...

    Cameron G


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